Alex McNair


Alex McNair

Experience summary


Alex has developed both functional and non-functional business requirements, as well as engaged key stakeholders to develop business requirements for procurement documentation. Alex designed approaches to market and procurement strategies, including consideration of existing vendor relationships in line with organisational procurement processes and procedures. Alex has extensive experience working for various Federal Government agencies having worked on projects across defence, law enforcement, and social services.

Career highlights

  • Documented and refreshed a program’s vision and objectives, developed parameters for business requirements, designed approach to market procurement strategy, and drafted procurement documentation for a federal government agency’s business process redesign project.
  • Developed a project’s Business Case and associated documents, and consequently progressed the document suite through the relevant Government approval process.
  • Led a small group to complete full financial crime investigations – utilising internal data, information from third parties, as well as open-source intelligence.
  • Provided advice and recommendations via different formal and informal intelligence products – including collecting, evaluating, and analysing all source information – which influenced decisions made by senior leaders.

More about me

altitude and joy:
directly correlated
loves alpine climates.

to recharge, alex:
plays touch football, reads fiction,
writes haikus (poorly).

Alex McNair
C6’s culture is the result of passionate people coming together and striving to create an environment where everyone in the firm can be their authentic self. Working with such kind and intelligent people on meaningful projects every day is an absolute pleasure.