Government Client

Defining the operations for a Whole-of-Government scheme and platform

A government regulator needed support to design its services and platform to deliver value to its partner agencies and stakeholders.

The government agency had begun developing a platform to support the implementation of a new bill that aimed to enable consistent, safe and transparent sharing of public sector data.

We were asked to define the target state operating model including the roles and responsibilities, as well as to manage continued development and maintenance of the platform.

We provided the agency with a clear view of the platform’s ecosystem, and defined the operating model and detailed service management approach from both a technology and business perspective

  • Developed the strategic vision including its functions for the platform, in close collaboration with the development team and leadership.
  • Engaged partner agencies and key external stakeholders to capture input and achieve buy-in.
  • Developed a detailed plan, model and governance framework for operating and enhancing the platform.
  • Defined a customer journey map showing their touch points and experiences.
  • Defined the platform roadmap from its initial release to the ‘fully’ featured version.
We helped our client achieve a whole of agency approach to service management working across all partner agencies, with clear KPIs and an improvement framework for ongoing delivery of the service. The clearly articulated operating model with underpinning pricing and prioritisation of transformation activities provided a clear path for the agency to achieve their intended outcome.